
Honor, praise, distinction. Three words placed on a pedestal when one attains a degree, especially with the addition of this one word—laude. My high school self would say that Latin honors

I’m sitting on a bed of roses and thorns because dozing off would mean losing in life. As a four-year-old kid sitting in front of an old television while Cinderella

Billiards was introduced in the Philippines before World War II, but ultimately marked its popularity among Filipinos in 1999 after the legendary Filipino player Efren “Bata” Reyes defeated Taiwan’s Chang

Each day blends into the next; a never-ending cycle of deadlines and quiet resignation to the system when survival means two steps away from one’s purpose. What are dreams if

They say that when a cup is half-contained with water and someone sees it as half empty, they focus on the negative. When they see it as half full, they

Boycotting, defined in the Cambridge dictionary as refusing to buy a product/s or take part in activities to express strong disapproval, is a form of protest that sounds familiar now




Honor, praise, distinction. Three words placed on a pedestal when one attains a degree, especially with the addition of this

I’m sitting on a bed of roses and thorns because dozing off would mean losing in life. As a four-year-old

Boycotting, defined in the Cambridge dictionary as refusing to buy a product/s or take part in activities to express strong