
Wrap-up: Survey analysis and updated distance learning mode measures

Following the survey done by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academics and Research (OVCAR) on online classes in the University, analysis and updated measures from the survey responses are shown in the memorandum “Further liberalizing education in the midst of a national emergency” released on March 24.

All of the updated measures in the memo are under the assumption that in-campus classes resume after April 15.

The online survey was released by the University Student Government (USG) and disseminated by respective College Student Governments (CSGs) on March 14.

Analysis of survey responses

  • The top two problems of online classes for students are limited internet access and submission of assessments;  and collection of assessments and internet connection for the faculty.
  • Comment sections in the survey by both the students and faculty reveal recurring physical and mental health concerns, as well as difficulty of faculty to accommodate simultaneous individual concerns of students
  • Reliability of the distance learning mode is also questioned in terms of delivering quality education in general, and enabling clear understanding of lessons in particular.
  • Some of the students who may have internet connection only have mobile phones as their means.
  • The greater number of students in the survey expressed being overwhelmed by the number of assessments given.

Updated measures for students

  • Students who did not have any means for distance learning (both online and text messaging since day 1) will be given considerations at most: until the end of the special term for college students, and until June 22 for the graduating.
  • All previous assessments shall be reopened and will have at least 5 attempts and an extended deadline until the resumption of onsite classes.
  • College lessons and assessments scheduled for the remaining weeks of the quarantine period should be uploaded until March 31.
  • Streamlined lesson plans should follow the “1 lesson or assessment per week” formula
  • For easy access in mobile phones, lessons should be concise with bulleted points on tasks and online resources to seek.
  • Students who will be asking professors via email, chat, or text message will observe 24 hours to receive a response.
  • Real-time communication is limited for students and teachers to attend non-academic responsibilities and concerns from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, or as time agreed by both parties.

Upon resumption of classes

  • Academic clusters or departments will organize seminars or refresher programs for tasks such as lab and thesis work that require onsite meetings, along with making sure core lessons are understood.
  • Identified subjects will be allowed to be taken simultaneously with prerequisite subjects for the upcoming special term. The list of subjects should be submitted to the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Services.


All related advisories on the implementation of distance learning mode, including wellness, library, and technical support can be found here.

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