
Enrollee count drops to its lowest in 11 years

As a result of the decline in freshmen and sophomore enrollees this academic year (AY) the enrollment count for AY 2017-2018 has reached its lowest since AY 2009-2010 with an estimated number of 9,597, according to the released enrollment statistics of the Office of University Registrar (OUR).

“This school year (AY 2017-2018) enrollee count is the lowest. This is the effect of K to 12 wherein the University only has third year and fourth year students,” University Registrar Paulino Gatpandan confirmed.


The total number of students from Undergraduate Programs, Graduate Programs, College of Business Administration and Accountancy Free Evening Classes, and Cross-Enrollees population trend moved from 11,000 to nearly 16,000 from the first semester of AY 2009-2010 to the second semester of AY 2016-2018, excluding summer and transition terms.

However, Gatpandan also said the enrollment count for this AY’s first semester exceeded the OUR’s expectation of only 8,000 enrollees.

“The target [number of] enrollee for this school year is 8,000 since the University expects that the population will decrease by almost 50 percent due to the absence of the first year and second year students, but the population exceeds more than what is expected,” Gatpandan said.


The OUR also confirmed that no freshmen are enrolled this AY 2017-2018, while there are 461 enrolled sophomores.

Despite the foreseen enrollment drop this AY, Gatpandan said that the OUR is expecting more freshmen applicants next AY 2018-2019 since the K to 12 program will be completed this year, resulting in Grade 12 students entering college if they choose to pursue tertiary education.

With Grade 12’s transition from senior high to college, Gatpandan said the OUR is coordinating with the Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Services in preparation for freshmen enrollees.

Gatpandan mentioned, “The office (OUR), in coordination with the Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Services, already drafted guidelines in the preparation of the curriculum for the incoming freshmen.”

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