
‘Added value needed, reporting not enough’ – UNESCO Jakarta’s Dr. Ming Kuok Lim in MIL Conference

The Marketing Communications Office, in partnership with the Communication and Journalism Department, spearheaded the Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Conference, wherein invited guest speaker United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Jakarta’s Communication and Information Advisor Dr. Ming Kuok Lim discussed the importance of the Safety of Journalist and Issues of Impunity on September 14 at the Tanghalang Julian Felipe.

Dr. Lim talked about how “journalism is no longer about reporting facts.” In relation to the present, he emphasized that if a journalist wants to contribute to the future of journalism, one needs to “have an added value,” as it is no longer enough to merely report.


With the advent of fake news and the public’s rising doubt in the media, Dr. Lim tackled providing relevant news that assist citizens evaluate the government and other institutions of power.

“As a journalist, your bread and butter is accessing and getting the information, you need and know how to get the information. You need to know how to twist the arm of the President legally to get the information that you need,” he said.

Dr. Lim furthered that media information literacy helps netizens participate actively and responsibly in the society, not just as journalists but as citizens.


With the Internet riddled of information, Dr. Lim said that critical evaluation of news and media technology is essential.

“We need to distinguish the relevant news from the fabricated one [by critical analyzation of news],” he said in answer to misleading news reports.

Meanwhile, University Advancement Office Director Marco Polo discussed the importance of freedom of information, saying, “I don’t believe that such a term exists (fake news). It’s all lies and fabrication.”

Polo mentioned that netizens must not settle for mediocrity, but rather strive for the excellence and quality that will separate the legitimate journalists from pretenders.

In response to the spread of fake news in different social media platforms, Polo advice for DLSU-D students, “Don’t settle for mediocrity, strive for excellence and quality—that will separate the real legitimate journalist from the pretenders.”

Students in the field of communication and journalism were present in the said conference.

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