
New political parties registration to start on Monday

In preparation for the 2018 University Student Elections, DLSU-D students who wish to establish a new political party may submit their documents starting Monday, October 9, for the registration and accreditation from the Student Commission Election (SCE).

As required in the 2016 Amended Student Election Code of DLSU-D (E-Code) Article V, Section 4, any political party must submit the following documents in an expandable long envelope:
a. A letter of petition for registration
b. Party Constitution and by-laws
c. Official list of founders and members
d. Certificate of Good Moral Character of the Founders issued by the Office of Student Services
e. Panel interview by the SCE Commissioners
f. Other requirements which may be prescribed by SCE

Aside from the requirements stipulated in the E-Code, the political party’s plan of activities from November to May 2018 is also required, in observance with the format given by the Student Development and Activities Office.
The registration period of new political parties will run until October 30.
If any aspiring political party fails to meet the deadline of the required documents, SCE will settle the political party’s petition for registration and accreditation for five working days.

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