
A look into the University dormitory SOP: On student safety inside campus

Serving as an on-campus accommodation that currently houses 328 DLSU-D students, the University dormitories aim to serve as a secure space for Lasallian learners and dormers, with security guards and housekeepers positioned on a daily basis.

However, security in the DLSU-D dorms has come into the light after reports of students’ items going missing right inside the very dorms they pay for. Albeit no students coming forward to the dormitory matrons themselves, with the aid of the Student Dormitory Manual 2010-2015 and an interview with the Dorm Matrons, The HERALDO FILIPINO takes a look into the campus security provided to DLSU-D dormers and how proper upkeep is provided.

Security and dormitory policies

For the purpose of providing security to the University dormitories, two security guards are stationed at the entrance where inspections of bags and vehicles for everyone entering the premises for both men’s and women’s dormitories are conducted and with another roaming guard during night time, as per Dormitory Matron Ivy Muñoz.

However, despite guards being directed to inspect student bags before entering dormitory premises, dormer accounts state that this does not occur all the time.

The dormitories are served by a monthly cleaning service provided by University Groundskeeping Agency to clean each room accompanied by the matron. Before the said cleaning service, a memorandum is posted on each door informing dormitory occupants advising to securing their personal belongings as stipulated in Dormitory Manual 9.1 stating that, “It is the responsibility of the occupants to secure his/her belongings. The dormitory is not responsible/ liable of the theft, damage or loss of personal properties, it is recommended that all things should be kept in the safe place at all times for safety and security.” Occupants are also recommended on the security of their own personal belongings by putting a lock of their cabinets.

Furthermore, whenever any loss of property is reported to the office, the complainant should write a formal letter about the loss and the office will check if there are any intruders during the time or any schedule of cleaning and repair; students are encouraged to report any incidence of theft for the Matron’s office to have any actions, as per Muñoz.

The investigation will then be performed inside the matron’s office, together with the Student Welfare and Formation Office (SWAFO), and the Security Office.

While in a Student Dormitory Contract entered by the student dorm occupant with the University, as stated in the terms and conditions number 13, responsibility, “the University will not be accountable to the loss and/or damage to life or property.”

Given that the dormitory matron accompanies and oversees housekeepers and cleaners every time dormitory rooms are maintained and cleaned, and there is no any waiver for liability that students sign for any theft or loss of properties wherein it is not expected in the dormitories. It is the responsibility of dormitory occupants to secure their belongings.

Despite all the security measures being implemented by the University Dormitories, there are various reports coming from the student occupants that these implemented policies are “weak” and needs “better internal control.” With certain cases of non-dormitory occupants being able to enter and leave the premises freely. In stark contrast with the implemented dormitory protocols.

Stricter security protocol

Earlier this academic year, student dormers have raised that there have been stricter dormitory security policies, with two security guards at post in the men’s and women’s entrance in the morning, while three are posted at night, having one roving around the dormitories in order to patrol the dormitory area ensuring it is free from disturbances.

Meanwhile, as stipulated in the Dormitory Policies of the Student Dormitory Manual, 7.7, Curfew, “all occupant/s must be inside the dormitory premises by 9:00 p.m. and be in their respective rooms by 10:00 p.m. The residential gates are closed from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.”

Despite the leeway for occupants to be in their rooms by 10 PM, students have raised that ever since the AY started, there have been stricter control over the occupants entering the dormitories past 9 PM, wherein they may be reported to the SWAFO for being outside their respective rooms past the curfew.

Alleged dormitory lost items

In a deleted tweet by a DLSU-D student, he claims that the housekeepers tasked to maintain the cleanliness of the dormitory rooms are alleged to touch personal belongings, with certain cases of lost items in the dormitories.

Moreover, with the Twitter thread gaining attention on social media platform, different cases of lost items has been raised by the students.

The HERALDO FILIPINO has tried to reach the student; however, has failed to answer back the request to be interviewed.


With the student dormitories being an extension to home for the student occupants, it is only their right to be provided with the most secure residence outside their immediate families.

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