
Admin initiates voluntary waiving of salary benefits among employees

Originally published in HF Volume 36 Issue 1

Due to the financial limitations brought by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to University operations, DLSU-D has opened initiatives for voluntary waiving of salary benefits among school employees, implemented for the academic year (AY) 2021-2022.

Dubbed as a “Solidarity Act Waiver,” school administrators, faculty, and staff members are provided with options whether to waive portions of their honorarium, leave credits, bonuses, cash awards, and allowances. Pledges may vary depending on the personal preference of an employee, which they may course through an online form that provides the percentage choices for the voluntary waiving. These choices range from 20 up to 100 percent for each category.

Meanwhile, employees who are interested in giving voluntary contributions are entitled to choose the timeline of effectivity for the waiving of their benefits within the period of September 2021 to July 2022.  

A short-term solution 

In an email interview with The HERALDO FILIPINO, DLSU-D Chancellor Br. Francisco “Sockie” Dela Rosa FSC called this a solidarity campaign, which for him is a short-term and immediate solution for the school’s financial health. As a short-term solution, the Chancellor said the voluntary waiving is only expected to last until the end of the academic year (AY) 2021-2022.  

“This act was intended to promote a spirit of solidarity among members of the academic community towards ensuring the financial health of the university. It is a short-term, immediate, and one of the temporary solutions,” De La Rosa said. 

But seeing how the employees responded to the initiative, the Chancellor shared that the campaign has become a projection of commitment more than an act to lessen the school’s expenditures. Citing the active participation from the side of the employees, he mentioned that some administrators even waived 100 percent of their honoraria, which was the same for other faculty and staff members who waived 25 up to 100 percent of their salary benefits.

“Today, there is more to this act than just ensuring financial health. It has also become like an act and a commitment that reflects how much we care for each other and how much we value our community,” the chancellor said. 

School’s financial health

While the solidarity act bears good intentions for the Lasallian community, De La Rosa clarified that its implementation does not entirely solve the current financial challenges of the University during the pandemic.  

“It’s a call for solidarity, a voluntary act of generosity. It hopes to simply reduce some of the expenditures of the University. Financial stability is another matter that needs long-term planning and solution,” De La Rosa stated.

Talking further on the long-term and alternative plans of the University with regards to its financial stability, the Chancellor shared that the situation of the school’s financial health would require more sustainable planning, stating that “this will come soon.” However, De La Rosa has not expounded any further details on the school’s sustainability plans as to how they are planning to secure the University’s financial status in the coming years.

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