
USC invalidates Constitution revision plebiscite

The University Student Council (USC) has invalidated the USC Constitution revision plebiscite, aiming to shift the USC to a University Student Government (USG), after posting the “wrong draft” of the USG constitution online, as per USC 2017-2018 Treasurer Karen Buenaventura.

The USC Constitution revision plebiscite was conducted last semester ruling the moniker change of the USC to USG, along with changes in the division of duties and responsibilities in the highest governing student body, which was subsequently approved by the student body per se–garnering 1,065 “yes” votes against 279 “no” votes and 137 void/abstain votes.

On why the wrong draft was uploaded, Buenaventura explained that it was an “honest mistake” caused by confusion on the final draft brought upon by multiple “saving and editing” of the constitution file after each Constitutional Convention (con-con) session.

Siyempre, kung anoyong na-release namin before, ‘yon yong magiging basis ng student if they will vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ sa plebiscite,” Buenaventura said.

She furthered that the outgoing USC 2017-2018 has left the decision to the next set of USC officers to continue what their council had started.

Meanwhile, appointed USC 2018-2019 President Jessica Lorino said that the USC will conduct a second USC Constitution revision plebiscite during the first semester of AY 2018-2019, while the con-con sessions for drafting the new constitution will commence by August.

As of press time, USC is yet to release the resolution on the invalidation of the USC Constitution revision plebiscite.

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