
USC President on LOA

2018-2019 University Student Council (USC) President Jessica Lorino is on a temporary leave of absence (LOA) in line with her completion of on-the-job training hours outside the University, whereas USC Vice President (VP) Jason Real is indefinitely the Acting President as the Office of the President remains vacant.

“As Acting President, I understand that I am only a caretaker of the Office of President, pending the President’s (Lorino’s) return,” Real said.

As stipulated in Article V, Section 6b.2, of the 2013 Amended University Student Council Constitution, a temporary vacancy in office may occur when the seated officer under the council files for LOA. While in the same Article V, Section 12, the Vice President will be, ipso facto, acting president in case of temporary vacancy in the office of the President.

Earlier this year, after being elected USC Treasurer during the University Student Elections last academic year 2017-2018, Real was appointed Vice President after deliberations between the remaining 2018-2019 USC Executive Board.

“We (USC) were elected to serve, and not elected to wear and earn titles. It is our individual obligation to ascend to any challenge come what may as no leader can ever be prepared for anything,” Real said.

The HERALDO FILIPINO is currently awaiting Lorino for her statement.

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