
USC PRO Rayburn replaces former USC Business Manager Arcilla

After former University Student Council (USC) 2017-2018 Business Manager Reiben Arcilla was disqualified due to “having obtained a failing grade in any of the subjects enrolled immediately before and/or during his/her term” under Article 7, Section 2 of the 2013 Amended USC Constitution, USC 2017-2018 Public Relations Officer (PRO) External Kurt Bryan Rayburn was appointed as the new USC Business Manager for academic year (AY) 2017-2018.

Moreover, according to Article 5, Section 7, should there be a vacant position, the council shall pass, within three working days, a resolution declaring that a vacancy exists and a notice thereof shall be given to the Dean of the Office of Student Services through the Student Development and Activities Office (SDAO).

As per USC 2017-2018 President Israel Pajarillo, before USC informed the Legislative Board (LB) regarding the vacated position of Business Manager, they first raised the question to USC PROs Kurt Bryan Rayburn and Mark Timothy Dumasig as to whether they were interested to assume the position of Business Manager. “Mr. Dumasig wasn’t interested, but Mr. Rayburn was looking up to it,” Pajarillo said.  

Pajarillo explained that during their special meeting on July 3, all seven sitting USC officers voted for Rayburn’s elevation as the new Business Manager and officially appointed him.

“Everything was done according to the [2013 Amended] USC Constitution, and all the resolutions were already submitted,” Pajarillo mentioned.

USC PRO External

To fill in Rayburn’s position as USC PRO External, USC appointed College of Tourism and Hospitality Management Student Council (CTHMSC) President Anne Jarin as the new USC Public Relations Officer External for AY 2017-2018.

Anne Jarin was appointed to be the USC PRO as we followed all the processes according to Article 5, Section 7 and 9 of the [2013 Amended] USC Constitution,” said Pajarillo.

As stated in Article 5, Section 9, if a permanent vacancy occurs in any remaining University Student Council office, the remaining USC Executive Board and LB shall convene, upon submission of the resolution to SDAO, within three working days to elect a member of the LB to fill the vacancy.

In a separate special meeting called by the USC on July 4, Pajarillo said that Jarin was the only member among the LB who was interested in the position of USC PRO External. In cases like this, all we have to do as the LB is to affirm it,” he elaborated.

Meanwhile, current CTHMSC 2017-2018 President Alexandra Bolotano clarified that the decision for Jarin to accept the offer to be the USC 2017-2018 PRO was not decided by the CTHMSC.

Bolotano said that CTHMSC respects Jarin’s personal decision, adding, “It’s an honor [na] mayroong representative ‘yong college sa USC.”

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